This is a long-standing problem right? I've just not had to sort this for a long, long time. This location holds true for Word 16 and Office 365. Word stores its templates in the folder referenced by the pathname you type in Step 5. To restore the original Normal.dotm file, quit Word and rename the file back to Normal.dotm or Normal. How to change your Word 2016 default font. All new Word documents will now use that new font style by default. Check All documents based on the Normal template.
Right-click the Normal Style on the File menu of the Ribbon to make your Font, Paragraph, and other changes in the Modify Style screen. Alternatively, you can make a lot of preferences standard without bothering with the Normal Template. Here are the steps: Open Word for Mac and ensure all documents are closed.
The solution was to replace the current Normal.docm file with the old Normal.docm file. When upgrading to Word for Mac 2016 I lost all of the customizations made to the Normal.docm template.